The Work

One of the biggest hurdles to finding a sede for the movement in La Plata has been finances. It is this area of faith that has led us to where we are now. Given the limited budget that we have to work with, the condition of the building that we are renting requires some serious work! And this is one area that we are excited to see students began building this sede into a place that is their own. If there's one thing that students do have the ability to give here it's time and energy. And of course we've been there to lend a hand as well.

This is the larger of two salons or rooms that are included within the building. It used to be an automotive garage as you can see from the wooden planks covering the "pit".

This is the primary of two bathrooms. Nothing like washing your hands AND taking a shower at the same time!

This is the backyard that hasn't been looked after in a LONG time. While clearing this we found a really cool palm plant, a mature grape vineyard and a fig tree.

This is Mauricio using the power washer that a friend of his was gracious enough to lend us. We had to send a power cable across the street to run the machine due to the fact we didn't have any power!

Seth must have drawn the short stick to get stuck on bathroom detail!

Landry and Guillermo take a break from burning trash and yard waste. A job that spanned several hours and multiple days.
At the end of the day, these were the last men standing (woman). In truth there were many more hands that helped us throughout the day.

The Vision

Ministry through Campus Crusade in the states is somewhat different for a variety of reasons. First of all, the typical university movement is localized on a central campus and takes advantage of larger lecture halls and facilities for students to hold weekly meetings and outreach events. For La Plata, there are over 100,000 students spread over dozens of campuses that are both public and private. The desire behind a sede is a place to centralize the movement here and give students from the various campuses a place to gather and fellowship. For the past few years, the movement has rented space in various locations at an hourly rate. God has provided those places and used them to grow His kingdom in mighty ways. However, when hosting outreach events and ministry activities we've been limited in what we can do. In the past, following an event, students were not able to gather or linger due to time restrictions placed on the facility. Now, Students have a place to study, worship, gather in fellowship, and drink mate! The possibilities are endless.

We are excited to see how God uses this building to unite the movement here in La Plata and draw students in to a knowledge and understanding of God's grace through salvation!

The History

Several years ago, the students and leaders of Vida Estudiantil began to pray for direction as they moved the ministry forward. Not only was there a need to share the gospel with other students but there was also a need for those students to come together in fellowship and a place to gather. In collaboration with STINT teams, local staff in Argentina as well as directors from MidSouth the search began for that special place to gather. This, is the culmination of numerous prayers, countless hours and a marathon of faith. Now the real work begins!