The Vision

Ministry through Campus Crusade in the states is somewhat different for a variety of reasons. First of all, the typical university movement is localized on a central campus and takes advantage of larger lecture halls and facilities for students to hold weekly meetings and outreach events. For La Plata, there are over 100,000 students spread over dozens of campuses that are both public and private. The desire behind a sede is a place to centralize the movement here and give students from the various campuses a place to gather and fellowship. For the past few years, the movement has rented space in various locations at an hourly rate. God has provided those places and used them to grow His kingdom in mighty ways. However, when hosting outreach events and ministry activities we've been limited in what we can do. In the past, following an event, students were not able to gather or linger due to time restrictions placed on the facility. Now, Students have a place to study, worship, gather in fellowship, and drink mate! The possibilities are endless.

We are excited to see how God uses this building to unite the movement here in La Plata and draw students in to a knowledge and understanding of God's grace through salvation!